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Software development for several sectors


SaaS for business management for SMEs. It allows you to manage your sales, e-commerce, point of sale, and inventories. All this is connected to an electronic invoicing system approved by Sunat for various sectors.


Video technology that protects the integrity of the video as well as the record’s GPS location, time, and date. Government authorities use them for remote control and private sector companies for various follow-up actions, delivery, merchandise status, confirmation of tax domicile, and work progress, among others.


Video technology that protects the integrity of the video as well as the record’s GPS location, time, and date. Government authorities use them for remote control and private sector companies for various follow-up actions, delivery, merchandise status, confirmation of tax domicile, and work progress, among others.


Management platform for offices, doctors, and patients. It allows you to manage schedules, postponements, cancellations, online payments, and patient files. Enables patients to find the best specialists quickly, scheduling, and paying online.


Organizational and rewards-based application for pet owners. Allows you to register and track pets; buy food, accessories, and medicines; access benefits with veterinarians, pet shops, and kennels; find pet-friendly places and recommendations; and other functions.


Organizational and rewards-based application for pet owners. Allows you to register and track pets; buy food, accessories, and medicines; access benefits with veterinarians, pet shops, and kennels; find pet-friendly places and recommendations; and other functions.


Data Validation & Analytics. We provide companies with APIs to validate personal, company, vehicle, insurance, and property data. Likewise, it allows automatic shipments to validate data and keys and various other elements from channels such as SMS, WhatsApp, Email, and IVR.